
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

People. Stupid fucking people.

While driving to my Naval recruiting meeting today, I came to a realization: Driving on the roads makes me hate people so much more than Facebook ever could.

Last week when driving across the state to pick up some mail and visit some friends, I took the highway, as one would expect. I could have sworn it was national Everyone Piss Me Off Day coupled with Everyone Drive On The Left Lane Day. The sheer amount of people hugging the left lane was incredible, but that's not why I hated everyone that day. The traffic was so fucking inconsistent that the speeds of the faster-speed left-hand-lane varied between 60 and 88 MPH. The 88 MPH courtesy of TomTom Navigational System. I had to drive the full 2,5 hours with my foot on the pedal instead of being able to use cruise control.

And then today. Some dipshit pulled out of a parking lot in town; no big deal. What was a big deal and only helped contribute to the worst road rage I've ever had was this: They proceeded to swing wide, off the road into the parallel parking places, which luckily they were empty because this asshole drive through every single spot, swung wide back into the road, crossing over the double-yellow (something I forgot to tell Erika while I vented earlier), and stopped at the stop sign, once again back in the correct lane. With no opposing traffic coming, and the lack of a turn signal, this maniacal driver then took the turn at what seemed to be about a mile or two per hour, a right turn I might add. Now on a 30-MPH strip, a measly 18 or 20 MPH was all they decided to drive. I was fortunate in turning only a quarter mile down the road. As I was leaving town and also leaving the 25-zones, it picked up to 35, then 45 MPH over the course of 2 miles.

Someone once again pulls out in front of me, and once again contributed to my road rage. Driving at 35 MPH in a 45 zone, then bumping up to 40-45, in the 55 zone, they held traffic up so much that I had a school bus tailgating me. It's just goddamn depressing when a school bus feels the need to tailgate. Unluckily for me, the slow-asshole led my course all the way into town, forcing me to either burst an aneurism that was likely forming in my brain or turn earlier than my route meant to. To top it off, on my way home, I was once again stuck behind someone doing more than 10 under the speed limit. Why are there so many stupid people driving? Or am I just very easily angered on the road?

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