
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Three days ago, I drove across Michigan at 11:30 AM, going back to Lake Michigan and Holland to visit the closest friend I made at school. We hung out for a bit, ordered pizza. Went and met up with our friend whom was there for the summer doing research. Hung out with Kevin (researcher) and our friend Brady at Kevin's summer apartment. Around 8:30, Reed got off of work and joined us. Nikki, Brady's girlfriend got into town about quarter after 9. We all hung out for a bit, I facetime'd with Chelsea; caught up with her after having not talking since school got out. We all went and saw World War Z at 10:30 - it was awesome by the way.

Then two days ago, Friday, was my dog's birthday. To celebrate, I took a slice of bread, smothered it in peanut butter and gave it to her. Gave her a 15-minute scratch-down and catered to everything she seemed to want. Meaning I let her in and out of the house.

Which brings me to recapping yesterday. I got up early, when my dad decided to mow the lawn. 8:30 or something. So not super early, but early enough to make my day feel long. I sat around and did nothing all day. Well, most of the day. I spent several quality hours talking to Erika. Pat stopped by our voice-chat server and caught up with him. Him, Peter, and I spent like 2 hours on Google Maps showing each other where we lived and making fun of Peter for living in Chinatown of Boston. I then stayed up until after 4AM playing Skyrim for PC, filled with mods since that's the only way to still tolerate playing the game.

And now today. I woke up close to 1, showered, brushed my tooths - all that good stuff. Sat outside at the lake for almost an hour, reading my book. Got hungry and went inside to eat, but while cooking my food decided to sign up to give blood and just now realized I forgot my food in the microwave, from like 2 hours ago. Time to eat, finish the last 200 or so pages of my book, and probably play more Skyrim. I probably need a hobby, or at least a job.

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