
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

People. Stupid fucking people.

While driving to my Naval recruiting meeting today, I came to a realization: Driving on the roads makes me hate people so much more than Facebook ever could.

Last week when driving across the state to pick up some mail and visit some friends, I took the highway, as one would expect. I could have sworn it was national Everyone Piss Me Off Day coupled with Everyone Drive On The Left Lane Day. The sheer amount of people hugging the left lane was incredible, but that's not why I hated everyone that day. The traffic was so fucking inconsistent that the speeds of the faster-speed left-hand-lane varied between 60 and 88 MPH. The 88 MPH courtesy of TomTom Navigational System. I had to drive the full 2,5 hours with my foot on the pedal instead of being able to use cruise control.

And then today. Some dipshit pulled out of a parking lot in town; no big deal. What was a big deal and only helped contribute to the worst road rage I've ever had was this: They proceeded to swing wide, off the road into the parallel parking places, which luckily they were empty because this asshole drive through every single spot, swung wide back into the road, crossing over the double-yellow (something I forgot to tell Erika while I vented earlier), and stopped at the stop sign, once again back in the correct lane. With no opposing traffic coming, and the lack of a turn signal, this maniacal driver then took the turn at what seemed to be about a mile or two per hour, a right turn I might add. Now on a 30-MPH strip, a measly 18 or 20 MPH was all they decided to drive. I was fortunate in turning only a quarter mile down the road. As I was leaving town and also leaving the 25-zones, it picked up to 35, then 45 MPH over the course of 2 miles.

Someone once again pulls out in front of me, and once again contributed to my road rage. Driving at 35 MPH in a 45 zone, then bumping up to 40-45, in the 55 zone, they held traffic up so much that I had a school bus tailgating me. It's just goddamn depressing when a school bus feels the need to tailgate. Unluckily for me, the slow-asshole led my course all the way into town, forcing me to either burst an aneurism that was likely forming in my brain or turn earlier than my route meant to. To top it off, on my way home, I was once again stuck behind someone doing more than 10 under the speed limit. Why are there so many stupid people driving? Or am I just very easily angered on the road?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Three days ago, I drove across Michigan at 11:30 AM, going back to Lake Michigan and Holland to visit the closest friend I made at school. We hung out for a bit, ordered pizza. Went and met up with our friend whom was there for the summer doing research. Hung out with Kevin (researcher) and our friend Brady at Kevin's summer apartment. Around 8:30, Reed got off of work and joined us. Nikki, Brady's girlfriend got into town about quarter after 9. We all hung out for a bit, I facetime'd with Chelsea; caught up with her after having not talking since school got out. We all went and saw World War Z at 10:30 - it was awesome by the way.

Then two days ago, Friday, was my dog's birthday. To celebrate, I took a slice of bread, smothered it in peanut butter and gave it to her. Gave her a 15-minute scratch-down and catered to everything she seemed to want. Meaning I let her in and out of the house.

Which brings me to recapping yesterday. I got up early, when my dad decided to mow the lawn. 8:30 or something. So not super early, but early enough to make my day feel long. I sat around and did nothing all day. Well, most of the day. I spent several quality hours talking to Erika. Pat stopped by our voice-chat server and caught up with him. Him, Peter, and I spent like 2 hours on Google Maps showing each other where we lived and making fun of Peter for living in Chinatown of Boston. I then stayed up until after 4AM playing Skyrim for PC, filled with mods since that's the only way to still tolerate playing the game.

And now today. I woke up close to 1, showered, brushed my tooths - all that good stuff. Sat outside at the lake for almost an hour, reading my book. Got hungry and went inside to eat, but while cooking my food decided to sign up to give blood and just now realized I forgot my food in the microwave, from like 2 hours ago. Time to eat, finish the last 200 or so pages of my book, and probably play more Skyrim. I probably need a hobby, or at least a job.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's 3 PM, I've done nothing productive for the second day in a row. Although I didn't really do much after I got home Sunday afternoon, so maybe it's considered the third day. After getting up at 1 today, having decided several times that it was too early to get up before then, I felt like sharing.

Last night I got the chance to talk to a friend of mine from sophomore year - a friends I've scarcely seen or talked to since then. We spent some time catching up; she's back with a guy she dated last year - I've got a girlfriend now. Erika made the most delicious cupcakes I've ever had. That kind of thing.

Well, I filled Julie, my friend, in on how I was officially enlisted in the Navy, and how I was accepted into the Nuke program, and when I'm done with that, I'd like to try to make the SEALs. She told me that she's considering the National Guard or Army, but could never do the SEALs. Sucks, but it's true, that women can't do SEALs anyway - all those periods and things that cripple women makes them ineligible. This sparked the typical teenage response: suck my dick. My reply? First: congratulations on growing a penis. That's a new development since the last time I saw you. Second: I will not suck it, but Espo [her boyfriend] might; depending on how kinky you two get.

It was a hilarious conversation; and if you don't find it funny, well, you can suck my dick - not hers.  Or if you really want to, you can probably suck hers too.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

More on narcissism and being an asshole

Today was the closest I have to a best friend's graduation party. I've known him my whole life, I've scarcely seen him for the last six months, and he leaves in 2 weeks for basic boot camp for the Marines. Now with all of this being true, I was a bigger asshole to him today than I think I've ever been before. I treated him like absolute shit, on the day meant to be his. I yelled at him, poured ice-cold water down his neck, hit him in the face with my sandal (an epic shot, I might add). I beat him with a badminton racquet, although he deserved that one for being a dick to his girlfriend.

I met his girlfriend for the first proper time today. She was nicer than I've ever given her credit for - I'd always marked her off as kind of a bitch for always eating up his time, a mis-preconception of mine. We hung out with some friends for a few hours, complaining about how he spends too much time with his recent church friends, and how he's got too flirty of friendships with the girls, how he spends too much time with them and not with Sam - his girlfriend.

Later, Sam and I ended up going to the movies, after he ducked out because he wanted even more time with the church-cult, after having spent nearly the entire grad party hanging out with them and practically ignoring Sam. We saw The Purge - a new movie. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it; don't worry, I'm not going to spoil it.

I got home and texted Erika back, since she texted me while I was in the theater. We talked for a little, and I filled her in on my day. After telling her about the movies with Sam, and how I might hang out with her after Kyle leaves, so that I don't intrude on what time those two have together, she decided she needed to stop talking. I can't help but feel like it was something I said, even if she gives me a brave and pretty smile - telling me it's her and not me. Despite that, it still feels like I did something wrong, adding to my feeling of being an asshole of epic proportions today. Narcissism is covered in yet another post about me - ugh. I'm not just an asshole, I'm apparently a narcissistic one, too.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Illogic of Americans

Americans are quite easily the dumbest race/nation of the world. We created pet rocks, while our German population created the A-bomb and Hydrogen bomb. Last year I saw a news article of a woman who drove on the sidewalk to avoid stopping behind a bus. On the 27th, I was tailgated by some asshole on the highway while doing 85. Now the first are stupidity, the last is just an asshole driver who needs to be run off the road and crushed by a semi-truck, but he's beside the point. Americans are so illogical that I cease to be amazed anymore. We in particular seem to feel the need to counteract doing something healthy, like exercising, with something unhealthy. For example, yesterday my brother went for a run. What's he do when he gets back? Make dinner. Seems harmless enough, right? Well, for dinner he started with fried chicken sandwich, then cracked open a beer, then ate probably-fried mini calzones, and ended with pizza. No vegetables or fruits. Just fat and grease. I'm no exception. Earlier today I went for a run, came back inside and what did I eat? Fried chicken sandwich - it was delicious I might add. But at least I didn't include beer, calzones, and pizza. Nope, I had applesauce and carrots with a small glass of milk and a large glass of water for my lunch. But seriously, us Americans are derptards.

An extra bit of my own derp-ness to add: Only an American would attempt to pick up and eat his food as it comes out of the oven and then proceed to call his food an asshole for burning him. Man am I good.