
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Picky preferences and disgusting concoctions

Recently, I was asked what my favorite mix of flavors was. I didn't really have an answer other than I don't think I have a favorite mix. With food among other things, I tend to have picky preferences. Having fussy eating habits makes choosing which foods to take difficult. However, with limited tastes, you tend not to mix foods together since it could easily yield to a new, utterly disgusting and ungodly taste. It's not even that I'm just picky, however. I enjoy tasty foods, but almost everything I enjoy eating is bland. I eat pastas without sauce, only syrup on my pancakes, only sometimes ketchup with my chicken - depending on how it's cooked. I don't enjoy condiments which is only reinforced by my unusually low spice tolerance. Even regular old black pepper is too much for me to handle.

Eating habits aside - preferring my food unmixed and on its own; I have a tendency to play with my food. I've noticed over the course of this school year that whenever I'm not eating my food, I'm playing with it. Toying with my food is something I've probably always done - I can't really say I've ever really picked up on it until now, so maybe it's something that only started happening this year. As I play and toy with my food, since I'm done eating it, I begin mixing it; creating disgusting mixtures. The abominations I create with food are horrible disgusting, repulsive to even look at. That's only when I'm done with my food and waiting for the group I eat dinner with to be ready to leave.

And thus, I enter the third piece of this tale; mixing alcohols together to form revolting blends that shouldn't exist. Earlier in the year when alcohol was consumed more regularly we'd have a number of alcoholic beverages to sample. Our usual selection included UV Blue, white boxed wine, Long Island Iced Tea, and some other stuff. Occasionally sodas would be there too, for mixers and such. While I certainly enjoy just downing high-proof drinks to get drunk, there's something I enjoy much, much more. And that, is seeing just how disgusting of a drink I can mix together and then down it. While I'm picky about my foods and hate having them mix, I love mixing my liquors together into a probably much more potent and foul substance that probably can't even be considered a drink anymore. And after creating such a stomach-churning cocktail and hearing everyone tell me how it will make me vomit; I down it. Now usually, it's pretty gross. But on occasion, like the last time I went drinking, I make something quite nice. I certainly never expected Long Island, Vodka, Cranberry Juice, Sierra Mist, and something else I'm forgetting since I was shitfaced and drunk to the point of being unable to see at the time, to be so good.

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