
Friday, April 5, 2013

Conflicts, controversies, and other mundane fallacies

God. When one says the word 'god' almost every person in the world knows immediately which deity the person has mentioned. People pray to god every day, people ask of god multitudes of things each hour. Such a vast concept of a deity; several different religions even pray and worship the same god. So, something so well-known should have a set, stable idea or concept of what it is, no? To anyone that agrees, what is god? Who is god? Is god relative? Are my ideas of god and your ideas of god the same being; is he a mix of our beliefs, or is one of us wrong?

Many questions surround the idea of god. As an Atheist, I do not believe in any god. I have no belief in human souls or an afterlife of any sort. The idea of a higher power is a laughable idea in my mind. That there's some judgement that either damns whatever might be left of what was 'you' when you die is just ludicrous. However, despite my beliefs, or lack thereof, I do hold thoughts on the concepts of faith and of god. My thoughts of god and the faith surrounding him or her or whatever other gender there may be that people could associate with such a being,

Despite my non-belief in any god, I do know of the belief in god. However, it is my thoughts that there is no one 'God,' instead there is the idea of god. God does not exist, instead the God that so many people pray to in their religion is a relative idea; unique to each individual in how they interpret and explain god. Each person expresses their belief of who or what their god is in an individual way that is unique to them. And that is why god is a relative concept instead of a solid, static being.

If god were not relative, how would he or it represent each and every person's beliefs. If one held the belief that god was a benevolent, caring, loving deity, while someone else held the belief that god was a simple scientist observing his experiment, namely us, with no other thoughts or feelings other than the cold detachment only scientists can conjure; which would god be? Would god be both loving, caring, and nurturing and cold and detached at the same time?

Unless god is relative, he, she, it, is a contradiction in and of itself.


  1. I agree that God is a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I was going to explain my beliefs on God's involvement within our world, but I realized that it wouldn't matter. You're as likely to change your beliefs as I am to change my own. In other words: not likely. All I can say is that from what I've experienced in my life, I know that God is the true definition of awesome. Through His son I am given new life and a reason to live. Why else are we here? Why wouldn't there be something more than just life and death?

  2. We're here to try to carve out our own little corner or niche to give meaning to our meager existances before the candleflame of our existance is snuffed out and whisked away by the beautifully chaotic order that is the universe. I can't answer the second question with some sort of cynical reply since i can't imagine why there would be more than just life or death.
