
Friday, May 31, 2013

Updates and Narcissism

It's been a while since I posted, mostly because it's summer and I was busy with enlistment and that kind of thing; but that's only the half-truth. I really just ran out of things to write about. And normally I hate even talking about myself, let alone publishing anything about myself since it makes me feel like a narcissistic asshole.

This past weekend, Memorial Weekend, my girlfriend came down and spent a few days with my family. So far, it's made my summer. I've been off from school for almost a month now and I've done nothing I wanted to do up until she came and visited; it was all fulfilling the needs of enlisting to the Navy and catering to the demands of my parents.

But now that she's gone, my summer feels utterly disappointing and despondent again. Since getting home after driving her home and spending several more quality hours with her on Monday evening, I have done naught but sit around and play video games and talk with my going-on-three-year gaming buddy, Peter. Granted the weather has been shitty - meaning raining - making it difficult to go outside and exercise and that is quite possibly a main reason why I'm so lethargic lately. For example, yesterday was nice, bright, and sunny. As soon as I got ready to go for a nice run; it was all of the sudden pouring rain. Disappointment was an understatement.

A little more about my life is my computer. I love my computer; I've invested probably $2000 if not more into it. I know the hardware inside and out, meaning I can take apart my computer case, pull every piece of hardware out; strip it down to nothing, and put it back together again with ease. For the past couple of days though, I've been debating whether or not to invest in a better cooling fan for my processor. With summer heat, my computer is getting warmer than I'd like it to when I play games, and that's not counting the other programs (ie: Firefox, Pandora, sometimes iTunes, TeamSpeak, Steam).

And I really need a job for the summer. All my money-spending is killing my bank and I can't say I like it. I'm nowhere near broke, but my funds are much lower than I'd like them to be. Plus, I'd just like to have a little extra cash to spend on Erika.

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