
Monday, January 11, 2016

Ghosts of Memories Past

This post is absolutely for you, MaKalea. I don't know when you'll read this, or what your reaction might be. I wish I had the courage to say this directly to you, but I still don't know how you feel about me anymore.

When you messaged me, apologising Sunday night, I didn't know what to expect. You showed me something though- you don't feel as negatively to me as I'd thought you would. You apologised, and even admitted to reading this blog.

Your messages exposed me to a feeling I didn't know I could still feel- hope. I couldn't hope you'd ever want me back in that sense; but I hoped you might be willing to be friends again one day. So, here I am to tell you, that if you should ever decide you want to be friend again, I'll not turn you away. I'd welcome you back into my life with arms open wider than for anyone else. There's no one I'd rather have back in my life than you- none of my previous best friends, nor my sisters from friendships passed.

Nothing would bring me more joy than knowing you'd be my friend again. I couldn't push you away if you ever decided to step back into my life. And if you decide to, I can only promise never to take you for granted again. It's a lesson I learned all to harshly before.

With only love, I can only hope to hear from you again.

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