
Friday, November 8, 2013

About: My cats

A little history of cats aside, it's time for my focus: my particular cats. Their names are Kit and Kat, though they haven't been called that since the week we got them. Instead, they've been known as Black and Grey, respective to their fur color.

Cats. They're a common household pet, right up there with dogs. Some people are absolutely fanatical about them (crazy cat ladies). In ancient times, they were worshiped by Egyptians as gods. Now, they live in your house; claw your furniture; sometimes attack you; and get pet.
To the right is my cats when they were mere kittens, sometime early 2009 if I had to guess.

The grey one is quite obvious, the black a little less so. Sisters of a litter; my mum picked them up from an animal shelter nearby where she worked shortly before Christmas of 2008 - since our old cat had died Halloween morning.

At first they started out friendly, but as they grew up - they didn't bond to either us our each other. That last time I can remember them being friendly was while they were still kittens and we had to take them in to the vet's office.

Pictured to the left is Grey on our last trip to the vet together. I couldn't tell you when that was, since I frankly don't remember.
And for viewing pleasure, I also dug up some pictures of the little rodents back when they were nice, and spent time with us; or maybe they were just curious about their new house.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate trying to use images in blogger?

Now at almost 5 years of age, I've got some weird cats on my hands. They're not the most friendly; Grey really only likes you when you're in the bathroom - she loves to jump up on the counter and nuzzle your arm with her nose. Or, if you'll throw water for her in the shower and/or bathtub.
And for some reason, Grey has a fascination with sinks.
One thing both of my cats have in common though, is chirping. Both will unexpectedly make chirping noises at you when surprised.

Black in particular has an obsession with the shower. She'll scratch and claw at the door if you're using the bathroom and the door is shut; then when that doesn't work she'll cry and meow at it until you let her in. Once in the bathroom, she'll go and sit in the shower; sometimes just staring at the wall and other times at you waiting for water to splash in.


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