
Monday, March 18, 2013

The Idea of Me; my college entrance essay

The idea of me. As a person, I don't like to talk about myself, but in this case I can make an exception. In my life, it's all I've ever known; me that is. While I may be young, there's one thing above all else that I've noticed about life. All throughout your lifespan, people will gauge how much you know in all different ways; but they're wrong. It's not how much you know, it's how much you memorize. We all think we know all kinds of things, like two plus two equals four, or three times three equals nine. However, we don't truly know these things; we recite and memorize them, until we think we know them. The question is, how do they work? It's explained as 'that's just the way it is,' and that's the problem. We can't truly know something unless we understand it at its core. The idea of me, is that I don't know anything. I can be taught and learn to recite and memorize mathematical equations, or the spellings of large and complex words, I can memorize the chemical formula for all kinds of chemicals, but I don't truly know them. I don't understand any of it, because everything is just that way, there is no explanation for it; nothing to understand. The one constant in life, is that I know me. I know myself and it's the one constant I can count on; the one thing I know will never change. Perhaps it's just me, or perhaps it's many others, but my life brings that to me. We do not truly know anyone or anything, because we are ourselves and not anyone else. We can learn to judge what we think someone else is thinking or feeling, but it is up to them to tell and share with us their thoughts and feelings. My idea of me, is that I don't actually know anyone else, because I've never been them, I've never known what it was like to be in their shoes and live their life. I only know myself because I've only ever been me. This idea, however, is part of what drives me to higher education and to the medical field. This idea drives me to try to learn new things to try to get a better feel for other people, so that I might get closer to understanding others. With those final thoughts, I conclude the idea of me.

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