
Monday, March 18, 2013

Story in Progress; no longer being worked on

                It began with a child, a little girl, at the age of five.
                Natasha was five years old at the time. She was outside playing. She'd been outside all day of course, what child wouldn't on a perfect day in the middle of the summer? She'd always been different. Natasha could sense things were going to happen before they did. She was constantly made fun of in school, she was the outsider; The one that didn't fit in no matter where she went.  But she didn't care. Natasha wanted to be an Archeologist. Spending all of her time reading books on Archeology, Natasha was well on her way to fulfilling her dream. That was, until one day.
                On her way home from playing outside all day, Natasha suddenly heard screams.  She ran faster back to her village, Miho. What she saw there, scarred her for life. The entire place was ablaze. The World Government's doing she knew at once. No one else had this little humanity, or this kind of power. A tall man was holding her father when she ran to the village's plaza. "WHERE IS SHE!" he was screaming at her father. Her father, crying and broken, told him time and time again he didn't know, and he didn't.
                Scout, Natasha's senior sister by three years, knew how to use a slingshot with deadly accuracy. Five years of practice was about to be very useful. She was on top of the nearest house, with a pouch full of rocks. Scout, and her band of followers, 14 strong, all readied their weapons. "READY! AIM! FIRE!" Scout called off. At that moment, fifteen projectiles, flew and hit several soldiers in the village plaza. A rock, shot by Scout, hit the man holder her father, square in the back of the head. Fracturing his skull, he dropped like a stone, releasing their father. Seeing their fellow brothers in arms fall about them, the soldiers quickly assessed what they should do. Seeing where the fire was coming from, they quickly took aim, and fired upon Scout and her band, the Fliers. Four were killed in the first volley. Three others were injured.
                "Don't fall back! Keep firing!" Scout was shouting to her remaining Fliers. Unawares of Natasha, Scout kept this up, firing her stones at anything that didn't look like a villager. Running low on rocks, Scout jumped from the rooftop, where four WG soldiers stepped out, and surrounded her. Natasha stepped in, using the power's she'd had since birth, marking her as the outsider. One soldier just collapsed in place. Another folded in on himself. The third began screaming in horror when Natasha stepped out, looking like a demon. Her eyes were ablaze, there was fire all around her. There was the look of death about her. Firing at her, the bullet stopped midway, turned around, and went through the heart of the woman who fired. The fourth, who tried to run, suddenly stopped. And went screaming to his grave as he was forced to rip his own heart out. These were Natasha's powers, and this was just the beginning, for there was more to come.

A Test of Two Strengths

A Test of Two Strengths

Walking down the halls of Kulima High School, to Dominic Elzix, it was just another boring, yet normal day. Shaking out his dusty-brown hair, he looked with his cool, ice-blue eyes at the board where his chemistry teacher, Mr. Crams, drones on about the chemical formula for sugar or something - boring. RIIIIING. Finally, free at last! "Hey, Dominic!" yells Ivan, Dominic's best friend. "You down for the party tonight?"

"You know it," Dominic replies enthusiastically. "What drinks you got coming?" Just as Ivan is about to answer, Dominic's phone goes off, the ringtone telling him it was his mom. "Ugh, hang on a sec, man."

Answering the phone, he hears his mom speaking, "Dominic, I know you have plans for Ivan's party this weekend, but they're cancelled for you. Get to the hospital as quick as you can; it's Felix."

His world now spinning, Dominic tells Ivan he won't be able to make it to the party after-all, "I'm sorry man, I don't think I can make it. Mom says there's something wrong with Felix. You know I gotta look out for family." Taking off after hearing Ivan tell him it's all good, Dominic rushes to the hospital to meet his mom.

Deviance Theory Application Essay

Applying Deviance Theory: Richard Ramirez & Assault and Rape of Jean Wu
            Richard Ramirez, dubbed ‘The Night Stalker’ by the media in the mid 1980’s, was a serial killer, rapist, thief, and necrophilia partaker. When Ramirez was caught, he was guilty of 13 counts of murder, and 30 other charges including burglary, sodomy, and rape. The assault and rape of Jean Wu was neither his first, not last crime of his spree of terror across Los Angeles. Ramirez’s deviant act against Wu was one of brutality. Wu and her husband, both in the mid-sixties were at home when attacked. Wu’s husband was shot in the head, killing him instantly, before Ramirez turned on the younger wife, namely, Wu. The reports state that after shooting Harold Wu, the husband, Ramirez punched, bound, and violently raped Jean Wu, before leaving their home. After this assault, Ramirez had decided his MO – kill the man quickly.

The Idea of Me; my college entrance essay

The idea of me. As a person, I don't like to talk about myself, but in this case I can make an exception. In my life, it's all I've ever known; me that is. While I may be young, there's one thing above all else that I've noticed about life. All throughout your lifespan, people will gauge how much you know in all different ways; but they're wrong. It's not how much you know, it's how much you memorize. We all think we know all kinds of things, like two plus two equals four, or three times three equals nine. However, we don't truly know these things; we recite and memorize them, until we think we know them. The question is, how do they work? It's explained as 'that's just the way it is,' and that's the problem. We can't truly know something unless we understand it at its core. The idea of me, is that I don't know anything. I can be taught and learn to recite and memorize mathematical equations, or the spellings of large and complex words, I can memorize the chemical formula for all kinds of chemicals, but I don't truly know them. I don't understand any of it, because everything is just that way, there is no explanation for it; nothing to understand. The one constant in life, is that I know me. I know myself and it's the one constant I can count on; the one thing I know will never change. Perhaps it's just me, or perhaps it's many others, but my life brings that to me. We do not truly know anyone or anything, because we are ourselves and not anyone else. We can learn to judge what we think someone else is thinking or feeling, but it is up to them to tell and share with us their thoughts and feelings. My idea of me, is that I don't actually know anyone else, because I've never been them, I've never known what it was like to be in their shoes and live their life. I only know myself because I've only ever been me. This idea, however, is part of what drives me to higher education and to the medical field. This idea drives me to try to learn new things to try to get a better feel for other people, so that I might get closer to understanding others. With those final thoughts, I conclude the idea of me.

Random story I started in English class

All my life I wanted to know what it felt like to end another person's life. Sure, I could kill animals, see the fear in their eyes before I ended their lives. I felt bad killing these animals because I was smarter, and they didn't understand what was happening. Their fear was instinctual.

One might argue that death is death, but I disagree. Sure, there's small  animals like mice, birds, squirrels, even coons, but none of these brought me satisfaction. I wanted a sentient, intelligent being's life in my hands. I wanted to hold a human's life in my power; where I controlled if they lived or died. This was not because I had anything against other people, not yet anyway. It was because I wanted to hold the life of a being that understood what was happening; what I intended to do.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Untitled Story; written in religion class.

I watched as the woman's arm was wrenched from the socket. Her screams of agonizing pain didn't make me grimace, but I found no pleasure in them either. Watching her arm get pulled past where the flesh allowed it to go, her screams got even louder; a fact I'd not thought possible. With a final shriek of pure agony, her warm was torn from her body with a sickening rip, not unlike that of a soaked bed sheet being torn in two.

As blood pumped from the stump that was her arm not long ago, a white lab coat appeared in a doorway I had not noticed previously. Looking at her with a disinterested and dissatisfied look, he pulled out an odd piece of technology that I didn't recognize. I heard what sounded like 'Hold still' as he clamped the machine onto her stump. After several minutes of humming softly, the machine alerted us that it was finished with a soft beep.