
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Zombie Apocalypse

Zombies. Somehow someone got the idea from somewhere, deep within the crevice of their own assholes that the undead were a cool idea. Something that dies and comes back, essentially immortal - I mean, you can't kill what isn't alive, right? - and craves human and only human flesh/brains. No other aminals are at risk, it's only humans zombies are interested in. Which, if it isn't obvious yet, I hate zombies, zombie movies, zombie video games, and everything else related to zombies.

What bugs me about zombies and all paraphernalia, is that in almost every scenario, the zombies magically appear out of nowhere and are suddenly taking over the world. No attempts are made to figure out where the zombies came from or how to cure them - it's always just KILL THE FUCKING ZOMBIES. WIN THE FIGHT. I should also mention that a cure for the zombie disease is almost always magically discovered No, that's stupid, cliche, and annoying. Makes a horrible story. Three zombie movies I've seen out of far too many have been good in my book. Well, perhaps I should say stories instead of movies, since the Resident Evil collection was several movies long. As for the other two, the recently-made World War Z and an older, but still semi-recent, I Am Legend. In Resident Evil, it explains where the zombies come from, the story tells the viewers who created the zombies, for what purpose, and what they plan to do about them. Incidentally, it's nothing. But a story is created where a fight against the zombies ensues, but a cure isn't developed. They simply form a new defense and learn to live away from the zombies, if I remember correctly. It's been a while. In World War Z, Brad Pitt attempts to discover where the zombies came from, following a trail across the world. I Am Legend's zombies originate from a plague that mutated the survivors into zombie-like creatures, Will Smith being the exception. He works for years, studying, surviving, and attempting to develop a cure for it. Not magically appearing or "10 years later..."

Hands down, my favorite zombie action ever, is in an Anime called One Piece. The main character, Luffy, is such a simpleton that it's just hilarious. He hasn't got half a working brain cell and his reactions in certain situations are priceless.
I mean, how can it get any better than this? Ps. That's him with the straw hat and net in the orange vest.

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