
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The little things

People have a saying "It's the little things in life." It's a phrase I've heard far too many times to count and never truly understood. But recent times have taught me the meaning. MaKalea has been on my mind more often lately than she has for the past year.

The thoughts typically range in the same area. I think about her, how beautiful she was, and doubtlessly still is. I wrote a long time ago that no one would come close to matching what she meant to me, and that any girl entering my life would pale in comparison- a pretty large promise. Though it's been true to this day so far. But along with how beautiful she is, I often think about how much I miss her. And I've found it's the little things I miss the most about our relationship. I miss holding her hand as we drove around; when she'd lay her head on my lap while we snuggled on the couch watching TV. Always petting her hair and sneaking into her room to lay together. Kissing her forehead or her hair. The little things.

Small things make the world go 'round and the meaning has finally become clear. I understand now, because I never realized how much I should have appreciated the little things or how much I loved them. Being in the Navy, I knew I'd never get to spend enough time with a girl I met. Especially one that didn't live in the same state as I did. So the weekends we spent together were my greatest treasure. Now, looking back, it was the littlest of things about the time I had with her that I loved the most. I remember asking her to stop hitting me all the time, and she once revealed to me that it was her excuse just to touch me. Words can't express how much I long for you to punch my arm again, or even just to see your smile; or your gorgeous eyes; to pet your hair, and to kiss your cheek. Holding your hand again is a dream I'll never realize.

You asked me if I still love you, and the answer will always be best. My feelings for you haven't faded at all; I love you as much today as I did so long ago. You make my heart skip beats, my stomach fills with butterflies. I can't think, and can hardly breath. Of course I still love you; if I've ever truly been in love, it was with you.